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This week's original shoot went all to hell when one of the guys didn't show up and the other freaked when he got on set and saw the paperwork and cameras - he just said "this isn't for me" and ran out the door. We didn't know whether to laugh or cry. While we were discussing what to do and started going through ad respondents, etc, looking for new guys, two visitors, two straight guys from prior BaitBuddies.com videos came up to Caruso and said "we'll do a scene". So Caruso thought about it and agreed.

Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander
Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander
Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander
Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander
Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander
Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander
Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander
Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander
Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander
Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander
Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander
Joe Parker and Nikko Alexander