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In Active Duty's War Chest we met Dale, who Kenny suggested that Mike contact. The first words out of his mouth are "yes sir," which is what we fans of military guys like to hear. Dale stands 5' 9" tall and weighs 165 lbs. He says he's sporting about 7". This straight guy is pretty nervous in his debut, but that doesn't stop Mike from slipping in a soapy finger as Dale is showering. Once he's stroking on the bed, he's quick to shut down Mike as he tries to push Dale across the line. Lucky for us, he puts on a good rump show that Mike has a "hand in" before his big finish.

Delicious Dale's Debut
Delicious Dale's Debut
Delicious Dale's Debut
Delicious Dale's Debut
Delicious Dale's Debut
Delicious Dale's Debut
Delicious Dale's Debut
Delicious Dale's Debut
Delicious Dale's Debut