Home » Site » All American Heroes » Sergeant Jay Fucks Private Tyler
hat is the difference between a gay marine and a straight marine? According to Sergeant Jay it is about six beers which is music to Private Tyler's ears. These two heroes really do have a lot in common. They are both real hot soldiers, handsome, blond with blue eyes, these two studs are even 8 Mile Detroit boys. As Tyler and Jay get to talking, they find out they have a lot more in common than meets the eye. One of Jay's fondest memories of boot camp is sneaking out with a bunk mate and to hook up for extracurricular activities. Tyler was more than pleased to learn that some of these evening encounters included Jay's fellow service men, a couple of beers and a little bit of privacy. Now that Jay is in the reserves he can sport his sexy ginger beard scruff, and private Tyler loves a hot red-head with an unpolished edge. His affinity for Jay pops up soon enough while the two are stroking their merit badges through camouflage pants.