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I'm excited today to update BentleyRace with our newest super hung mate Blake Alden. This 20 year old straight Bulgarian was dragged along to a shooting day we held in Berlin earlier this year. His mate was coming in for a shoot with me, so Blake came along as well and ended up being shot by Zac in the room next door. Standing at 6'3" this boy is a giant! And the big proportions obviously didn't stop at his height. Zac said he couldn't believe the size of this guys dick as he sat back on the couch in front of a porno and it kept growing... and growing... and growing. This was Blake's very first porn shoot. I'm doing everything to encourage him to do more. He gave Zac some great poses, showing off that naturally muscle tall body and getting himself rock hard. His fleshlight fucking video scene is pretty dam hot too. Back in Bulgaria Blake tells me that he likes the girls and kick boxing. We love our new mate Blake and I think our members will love him too.