This is where I insert my obligatory "The other model didn't show up" excuse for performing again with a model.
Augustus's scene partner missed his outbound flight, and texted that he would not be in until 9pm that night. Ugh! That's a super late video shoot, but what can ya do? I picked Augustus up earlier in the day and he hung out at the studio for 4-5 hours.
I headed back to the airport, aaand... nothing. No show. No texts. No phone call. I waited around an hour, fearing he had lost all the juice on his phone, but no sign of him.
I drove the 30 miles back to the studio and told Augustus that it was a no go.
He was of course disappointed he had flown all the way here, and was going home empty handed.
His flight the next day didn't leave till 3pm, and I woke up the following day and thought maybe we could do an Edge video. I asked him if he had finally jerked-off the night before, and he said he had. I had too! :-)