Another dream pairing! A Top that never stops, and a Bottom boy that loves nothing better than to be fucked. Though that might be a toss-up, as Bay also seems very eager to suck cock too. He always seems like he is in complete bliss if a cock is inside him...mouth or ass!
Bay seemed a bit nervous next to Gavin. Very rarely is he not totally confident in his looks. But he pines for the days when he could shave his body completely hairless, and seeing Gavin, who is naturally hairless, made him self-conscious about having his fur.
The dude has a lot of body hair, so it is a battle I think he should give-up on and embrace. I keep telling him to just go with it. It's not like I have a preference, hairy or smooth are fine with me, as long as it is naturally how they are. And based on the feedback from you all, his body hair is a major draw for most of the audience.
So we start with a simple-side by-side jerk-off to see if Bay would relax, and sure enough, as soon as he saw Gavin's hard cock, Bay was down on his knees trying to please his buddy.