I am pretty sure I mentioned Blu should win the 2014 "Dirty Talking Award" He sure does love getting his dick sucked, and you can tell he has a lot of practice egging a girl on to suck his cock juuuuust the right way! It's even under his breath, as if someone might hear him in the room next door! Very sexy!
Noah gets to show-off his cock-sucking skills by taking Blu from totally flaccid to full-on boner. The gentlest of licks woke his cock up! And Blu was so into it! I don't think he looked once at the porn playing for him.
There is a moment that I find kind of telling during the portion of the video where he is on his knees getting sucked-off. Blu reaches down, his hand cupped, as if he were going to grab some boobs, but finds no titty. Likely a trick he does while getting sucked on by girls. Noah has nice pecs, but they aren't ginormous. You could see Blu having to change his hand grip. "Oh! There is no boobage!"