Cooper came in to do a full-sex video, but his flight the following day didn't head out until 7pm.
This had happened to us before where he basically had nothing to do after a shoot. Most guys shoot their video and our early the next morning. I usually pick him up from the hotel and take him over to the gym to workout with me, a late lunch, then a drop off at the airport. This time we planned ahead so that we could also do some nice photos and maybe even a solo peep video.
When Cooper first came to do videos for us, he already had a body of work out there, so we skipped the traditional solo/oral I do with most guys. We did get some nice studio photos, but no solo. Since I have been working with him he actually has sent me several self-filmed videos, but they were not in HD, so I couldn't share with you.
So we got up early and headed out to a friend's farm. He has a lot little buildings and some private space, so we got to take some pretty photos outdoors. It's been a while for me, and Cooper said it was the first time he had ever really done "artsy yet porny" type of photos, and since planned on doing this shoot, he worked on getting extra shredded for them. He loved being able to show off his hard work!