Jeremy has done a bunch of straight porn, only dipping into gay porn on occasion (or so he tells me). He lives where a lot of porn happens, so it is easy for him to hop on over to a studio and make a couple hundred bucks.
I think he is trying to work less, but get paid more, but is still struggling to get over messing around with a dude. He seems fine if he is only going to receive the attention, so not sure just how far he will go.
Since he had done work before, I asked him if he had used a FleshJack, and he said that he hadn't. He starts to give it a try, and clearly he was enjoying every minute of having it stuck on his cock. He even contemplates naming it!
He uses the toy to get himself super close, then pulls out at the last second to spill his seed on his chest and stomach. He has a long lean cock on him, and even when it is bone hard, it can be shifted in any direction. A cock made for fucking in all kinds of positions!
Next week we have him in the Edge chair. Hoping to push his limits and see if we can get him to be more interactive. Stay-tuned!