Stone is BACK!
He has been working out really hard, got some sun on his Pacific Northwest skin, and ~sniff~ shaved-off the chest hair. I know, fans of hirsute men will shed a tear, but for me, it is like getting a new model! He looks SO different! And he looks awesome!
Both Stone and Jet have been working out like fiends. With the economy so bad, models are realizing they need to be on top of their game. Lots of guys turning to porn to help stay afloat, so competition to stay working is high.
I think Stone revamping himself was half porn-motivated, but also, I think he just got in a good routine and has been focusing on himself.
I was super eager to put these two together. Their personalities are a great match, and there was an immediate "Bromance" going on between them. I think after the shoot they headed out to pick-up girls together, but as Stone always says, "Let's not make it weird." I guess by telling potential girls why they were in town. Or maybe share a girl? Regardless, I need to catch Stone saying "Don't make it weird." on camera once. It's has become his catch-phrase.
Speaking of weird. We got him to eat some ass. Ok, so he is not piggy-diving-in, but that and some finger play really got Jet in the zone to be fucked.