Sage was actually very excited to return and do more. I kept getting the feeling he might be more into guys then he let on, but never could get him to come out and say it. Mostly I think he doesn't like where he is living, really loved Austin, and was also eager to make some money. But there a few moments where I was thinking he might really be into it.
After watching this video, you will see he wasn't quite there. He does seem to like to have his body worshiped, and LOVES having his cock sucked. The first 15 minutes of this video fly by. Vander is loving having some armpits to lick.
But the fucking was a challenge. He tends to fuck like jack-hammer, which while is a nice change, it does make it hard for us to get in there and see what is happening. He was struggling to stay hard. The actual fucking a dude part threw him. A couple times he is pushing rope.
We finally stopped for an hour. He was cold and took a hot shower and we picked up where we left off. He cleared his head and focused, and you can really tell the difference midway through the fucking portion of this video.