Home » Site » Cocky Boys » The Haunting 3, A Kiss Before Goodnight
Christian Wilde (Naked Sword exclusive model) plays Klaus Heist, a highly successful yet greatly disturbed artist who is severly lacking creative inspiration. After doing some research online, Klaus learns of an isolated manor for sale in the woods rumored to be one of the most haunted properties in New York -- just the kind of thing to inspire a great work of art! On impulse, he purchases the house with the hope of encountering the supernatural and drives there the following day.
A spritely young real estate agent, played by Max Ryder, can't believe he's sold his first listing in just a day -- especially since it's notoriously known for being haunted -- and he greets Klaus enthusiastically upon arrival. But Klaus has other plans. Without warning, he slams the chipper little punk against the wall and fucks him hard... in every single room of the house. Because if that doesn't provoke the spirits to reveal themselves to him, what will?