Home » Site » Cody Cummings » Master Masseur Cody Cummings and Donny Wright
The morning after a relaxing but fun night out at a popular club, Cody receives a call from his trusted friend Paul. Paul explains that Donny, another friend of Paul’s, noticed Cody at the club. Paul continues to explain that Donny is, in fact, a devout fan and member of Cody’s site. As Paul talks, Cody reflects, vaguely remembering the gentleman. He recalls Donny as being strikingly handsome, but only had the chance to observe him for a moment. Paul tells Cody that Donny has inquired about receiving a private massage from Cody. Paul assures Cody that the limits have been explicitly communicated. Donny agreed that should this private massage take place, it would be a simple rub down with nothing else involved. But Donny did request that Cody be nude.