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We pick back up with from last time with Dr. Kamel "Cockmiester" and Sunny Blue.
We see the good doctor performing a thorough examination on Sunny from one end to the other with Sunny bent over the in patients chair. From the sounds of it, this is one dentist office we wouldn't mind going to visit.
After examining Sunny on all 4's, the Doc takes his place in the chair. A very unique way of looking for chipped teeth I'd say and a good thing Sunny doesn't have any!
Afterwards, the Doc and Sunny switch up positions with Sunny on his back in the chair. Time for a little more "probing" the other end of Sunny.
This switching back and forth between sucking and fucking goes on for a while. What a GREAT examination! I'm definitely going to recommend Dr. Cockmiester to my friends. Just wait until you see the final "diagnosis."