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We were in New Orleans for the annual Southern Decadence event held over Labor Day weekend to promote the launch of High Performance Men. On our 2nd day in town we ran into Collin Stone and Caleb Colton on Bourbon Street. They told me they had both hooked up with each other and were having a blast. So much so, that they were no appearing at a local club together and doing a live sex show that night. I then said to them ‘I bet that will be hot! Too bad I can’t film it for my site.’ To which they said ‘We would love to shoot a scene for High Performance Men – what are you doing tomorrow?’ So, the following day the guys invited me over to their hotel room and with just the natural light from the window overlooking the French Quarter I captured some amazing passion between these two sexy men. From the moment they starting kissing, I let the camera roll and I bring to you what sex is all about – the passion two people can have when there is a real connection.