Home » Site » Like-em Straight » David and Brendon
You know he's just too pretty to be straight. That's OK, because this video is a little different. It's David's audition to be Brendon's assistant. If you've been a member for a while, you know that Brendon has been searching for the right guy to help him out with his straight guy videos. And when he gets a guy he clicks with, Brendon likes his fans to share the experience. Some prospects start out good, but then disappear - so let's see how this one does. David has been an artist's model, and when you watch him unwrap his tall, languorous frame you'll be discovering your own inner Picasso. Be inspired by his rusty brown hair, or his satiny skin, or maybe by the way his fat, throbbing cock 'POP's out of his jeans. That's what inspires Brendon to go down on him and practically suck the marrow out of his bones. And when David's bone erupts, take off the 3-D glasses or you might get splashed.