Home » Site » Like-em Straight » Gregor and Geo
For months Geo has been the model fiance; driving his girl to the mall, taking her out to dinner and working his ass off to pay for the wedding. And Brendon's calls have gone unanswered. No gay for pay. Gotta tow the line. Girlfriend watches him like a hawk... well, he finally cracked. Geo snuck out today on a pre-text and Brendon pairs him with the 18 year old newbie, Gregor. Geo bends over like a poppy in a windstorm to allow Gregor's fat, throbbing cock to fuck him silly. Gregor is so turned on that he cums in his ass way too soon. The jizz oozes out of Geo's butt hole, but his ass has not had enough. They go at it like Iowa state wrestlers till both guys go to the mat in a draw. Geo gets the pounding he needs and can go back to domesticity. Gregor will stay on the prowl.