Home » Site » Men Of Montreal » Ivan Lenko and Alec Leduc
Our Ukrainian-Canadian stud, Ivan Lenko, had decided to take a pause from porn after his first scene with a guy last winter. He wasn’t all that sure how far he wanted to take this porn stuff. Indeed, doing porn isn’t for everyone. So we respected his decision but told him to call us back if he ever changed his mind. So a couple of weeks ago, this fine male stripper contacted us to tell us that he was game to go forward. Needless to say that we were thrilled with his decision.We asked him who he wanted to shoot with for his return, and he said Alec Leduc. These guys both know each other and he wanted to take this friendship to new heights! At first, both guys were a bit awkward about the thought of what was to come, but we got them to take a walk by the water’s edge in the city’s Old Port and they quickly got comfortable. It was hot and sunny and after the photo shoot, we headed back to the loft and they got down to business. After his own shower, Alec sat back waiting for Ivan and went into his bubble, listening to music.As we all know, Ivan is a natural born performer and loves to play to the camera and the fans that are soon be watching.