Home » Site » Next Door Ebony » Dayon and Jim Powers
He wandered into the chamber of leather and pleasure just an inexperienced boy. But Dayon won’t leave until Jin Powers makes a man of him. Get comfortable and prepare to witness the corrupting of a charming lad with a big, bright smile. And he’s so eager to begin. Jin’s done it all. He’s the perfect soul to expose Dayon to true deviance. Both clad in leather underwear, they sit together at first, on a bench, side-by-side. But Jin soon stands up and moves across from Dayon. He continues to stand, moving only his hand up and down across the bulge. Dayon watches, salivating. Jin snaps his fingers and Dayon moves instantly. Down to Jin’s cock he goes, unsheathing and placing his wet lips around it. Timid but deep sucking ensues.