Home » Site » Next Door Twink » Sam Truitt and Aiden Summers
Sam Truitt is a bit nervous. It’s his first day on the job and he’s filling in for another pool boy who’s taken ill. Sam’s just hoping to do good work and hang on to this job. But as he’s walking around the poolhouse, gathering toys to throw back in the water, something very interesting catches his eye. He spies Aiden Summers, the young resident of the poolhouse, lounging in a brightly colored pair of underwear, stroking his own clearly swollen cock.Sam unconsciously begins rubbing his own chubbifying dick. Suddenly, by accident, Sam makes a loud noise against the window. Aiden looks over and sees him. But surprisingly, he motions for Sam to come inside. Sam enters through the nearest door, walks into Aiden’s room, and sits on the loveseat next to him. Without exchanging many words, the two begin passionately kissing.