Rod Daily awakes to find himself in a strange position. Locked in the back seat of friends modified police car, he can’t quite reach the key in the ignition to help himself out. Realizing he is trapped, the events of the previous night begin to fall into place, and he realizes his dipshit friends left him here passed out and have forgotten him. Promising to pay them back, Rod whips out his dick and decides to smear his cock all over everything- the backseat, the upholstery, the windows, the floors- you name it, and Rod wiped his dick on it. But after deciding he is not yet avenged, he cranks it up a notch and pulls his pants down off his ankles, whacking away at his pudstick while making sure to grind his ass into the seat. Growing hard with a juicy load waiting, Rod begins to enjoy things so much he rams two fingers up his ass and begins the fingerfuck himself, and it feels so good he busts his sploogey mess all over the back seat, using his new found naked slippery-ness to slide between the prisoner shaft and reach the key to his freedom.