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I met Seth as he was walking out of one of the local gyms. Turned out that he's a personal trainer there, and he certainly caught my eye. It was hard to miss him, standing at 6' 2" with a toned bod and topped with gingery red hair.
When I gave him my standard "How'd ya' like to do porn" line, he perked up suddenly. He was skeptical at first, but said it's something he'd been thinking about for a while, so decided to give it shot.
Seth showed up a little nervous since it would be his first time in front of the cameras. (Probably didn't help that he almost ran into an ex-girlfriend on the way over.) But as we got things going he admitted that he was starting to relax.
He normally jerks off daily, but had wisely saved up for a couple days. When I asked him about the weirdest place he'd jacked off, he laughed and said, "Well, this is definitely going to be up there!"