We don't meet too many guys that are as easy going and pleasant as Jacko. His smile and his deep voice have a real calming effect on everyone in his company and his openness and adaptability seem to be a theme that runs through every aspect of his life. For example, for work Jacko's a gardner in the summer, working with all the beautiful warm weather fauna. But when winter comes around he does a complete 180 degree turn with his snow removal business. And the same characteristics apply to his sexuality. Up until about a year ago Jacko was 100% straight and never gave a second thought to any other way to be. But when some friends took him to a gay bar last year, he was perfectly willing to consider the alternatives and it wasn't long before he had his first male to male sexual experience. And do you think Jacko would be satisfied to limit that experience to beginners level? Of course not. His first time with a guy and Jacko gave bottoming a fair trial. But considering Jacko has a 9 inch cock himself, it won't be long before some size queen will insist that he try topping.