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If music be the food of love, a certain William Shakespeare once declared, play on. In this particular instance, however, it’s not so much love that dictates the pace as down-and-out lust – which for young blondie, Justin Conway, comes in the rather dreamy form of Stanley Black, a dark-haired, Latin-looking beauty who promptly (and all-too-easily) distracts Conway from his musical studies. Then again, given the choice of doing scales and arpeggios alone on the piano or enjoying a little “getting to know you much better” time with a horny mate which would you choose? Yeah, thought so – and it’s exactly the same decision that our fair-headed beauty comes to as well, as the two lads immediately begin to exchange blowjobs before savouring a sultry session of head-to-toe cock-sucking.

Justin Conway and Stanley Black
Justin Conway and Stanley Black
Justin Conway and Stanley Black
Justin Conway and Stanley Black
Justin Conway and Stanley Black
Justin Conway and Stanley Black
Justin Conway and Stanley Black
Justin Conway and Stanley Black
Justin Conway and Stanley Black