You only need to take one glance at the pairing of Milan Sharp and Benjamin Dunn, and see them standing side by side when Dunn jumps off a tram to meet up with his pal in Prague, to realise where this scene’s going. Dunn, after all, towers head and shoulders above the young blond; and the fact that Sharp is (as we all know) such an insatiable bottom means that his accommodation of Dunn’s meaty, uncut ramrod is pretty much a shoe-in from the start.
Don’t let this obvious realisation detract from the worthiness of this fabulous coupling, however. If anything, the fact that Dunn is such a natural top to Sharp’s bottom only adds to the scene; and both boys are very much at the height of their game as they play and cavort like a pair of eager bucks. Indeed, the real sense of enjoyment on the part of both lads almost oozes from the screen; and Dunn’s dick eventually slides into Sharp’s fuck-hole with such ease that you’d be quite forgiven for thinking that it was made for this solitary purpose.