Home » Site » Video Boys » The Prince and The Cowboy: Jo Turns Straight Boy Bisexual
We've talked about Samuel Laroche and Jo Prince before. If you haven't been following here's a recap. Before he met Jo Prince, Samuel was an ultra straight guy; into rodeo riding, martial arts and fucking girls. Then one night he met Jo at a bar and found him irresistible. After just a few nights of passion they decided to become a monogamous couple and have been going strong ever since. For those of us who missed out on having a boyfriend as a teen, watching these two together gives a great sense of how intense this kind of young romance can be. They're playful, passionate, volatile and romantic. One minute they're fighting, the next minute they're kissing. One minute they're making fun of each other, the next they're declaring their undying love. And for pure hot-blooded sex, these two practically burn the house down every time they get naked together. When sucking, they're constantly looking in each others eyes to see how the suckee is reacting to the sucker's tongue strokes.