Home » Site » Video Boys » Zac Wilder and Etienne Kidd
For a pair of uber-twinks, Zac Wilder and Etienne Kidd have an unusual relationship to say the least. They met at some sort of fetish event that involved costumes, a lot of drinking and Zac getting his genitals slapped. Keep in mind that Zac likes a bit of abuse in his sex if it's done with respect. And Etienne takes real pleasure in dishing it out. In fact, despite his shorter stature, Etienne takes to dominating Zac quite naturally. And the fact that he has a "monster dick" really seals the deal as to who's on top.
Etienne starts off with a few slaps, some hair pulling and both boys are on their way to the kind of sexual experience that they love. Every time Etienne pushes his big dick a bit too far or a bit too fast into Zac's eager little hole, Zac shrieks with pleasure/pain and Etienne smiles in the knowledge that he's making that happen. Finally it's Etienne's long, hard strokes and his intermittent facial slaps that give Zac the explosive orgasm he really needed. Etienne follows right after and can't resist rubbing it in, literally.