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Today's Czech Up features Michal Tyser as the patient, with Dr Jan Sadecky and Sister Danek Rovny. Danek is sporting a new hairstyle which doesn't look as good as his normal one, I think. Danek tells the doctor that a cute looking patient is waiting. He is told to bring him in and Michal arrives, with an injured hand and knee. He is instructed to strip his clothes off. Michal gets naked and dons the medical gown, which Danek ties as the back. Then Michal is told to sit in the chair, so that Jan can examine him. One leg is placed in a stirrup, which lifts the gown, exposing Michal's cock and balls, while his hand his checked. Jan removes the bandage from Michal's hand and inspects the injury, applying some antiseptic to keep it clean. Jan then begins to inspect Michal's painful leg. It seems to be ok, but Jan decides that a full medical inspection is needed. Danek lifts the gown, exposing his chest, so that Jan can check it. He checks the chest and abdomen and then has Michal lift his legs, to check his temperature.