Home » Site » William Higgins » Jan Mendel's Czech Up
Jan Mendel is the subject of a Czech Up with Dr Mirek Ceslar and Sister Roman Ditrich. Jan arrives home, hobbling into the room holding his side. He phones the medical centre to report that he is injured and needs to be seen by a doctor, but cannot make it to the office. Mirek and Jan duly arrive, letting themselves in. Jan reports that he injured himself playing football and his stomach is in pain. Mirek begins an examination and applies some cream to the injured area,gently massaging it in. Roman soothes Jan's arms at the same time. Mirek gently investigates the injured area, his fingers feeling for any potential problems. He feels the pants and something doesn't seem quite right, so he opens them to find that despite, his injury, Jan's cock is rock hard. Roman passes Mirek a thermometer which he uses to guage Jan's temperature by holding it in his piss slit. Jan's cock shows no signs of going down so Mirek begins to, slowly, feel it and the balls.